
ARAVALI has a unique mix of governance represented by Civil Society Functionaries and Senior State Functionaries. ARAVALI is registered as a society under the Rajasthan Societies Act, 1958. It is a membership organisation which includes representatives of voluntary agencies, research institutions and the government. Members elect their representatives from amongst themselves as members of the Governing Council, which is the policy-making and the strategic guidance body of ARAVALI. The Governing Council elects an Executive Committee which is the operational decision making body that manages the day to day affairs of the organisation within the broad guidelines laid down by the Governing Council. The Governing Council and the Executive Committee have representatives from the state government and civil society. The Government of Rajasthan nominates the Chairperson of ARAVALI. At every level participation from Government Departments and Voluntary Agencies is ensured. From the State Government, the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department is the administrative department of ARAVALI.
