Roles ARAVALI Performs

The collaboration and partnership role of ARAVALI, not otherwise available with other institutes, puts it into a unique positional advantage:

Building Environment for Collaboration

To create an enabling environment for collaboration between the voluntary sector, PRIs, Government and other stakeholders, ARAVALI helps in providing a platforms for dialogue on various issues related to government policies and its regulation. It also facilitates in bringing diverse and at times conflicting views so as to understand and sort out the issues relating to partnership management for better implementation of programmes and activities at the state, regional and district level.

Facilitating Partnerships

ARAVALI works on a range of issues from facilitating a state policy for the voluntary sector, helping government departments plan their initiatives with the voluntary sector and negotiating roles with them. ARAVALI sees this as an important area of work especially in facilitating partnerships between and among government, Research Bodies, private sector and the voluntary agencies in the social sector.

Capacity Building of Voluntary Organisations

To enhance the understanding and capacities of the voluntary organisations, ARAVALI with the long experience of nearly 2 decades has with it ready and developed approaches based packages as programme offering in field of development sector and livelihood programmes. These packages and learnings support the NGOs to help understand the envisage roles that they need to see for themselves while preparing or drafting any programme on human resource development or support and further enhance their perspective on resource management to develop their operating systems and process, here also the major thrust for support by ARAVALI is towards small locally evolved organisations set up by people with keen interest on addressing development issues.

Promotion of Development Innovations & Their Up scaling

ARAVALI has been continuously endeavouring to promote development innovations innovated by ARAVALI, NGOs, CBOs, Research and development Institutions. Sharing of innovations is being done through regional and state level Learning Exchange Workshops, publishing of innovation in leaflet series titled “Pehal Longon Ki” and publishing leaflets, booklets and process manual. ARAVALI promotes development innovation through their inclusion in the programming of partner organisations, developing projects and programs of ARAVALI and through advocacy for inclusion in mainstream programs and projects of the Government.

Standards and Self-Regulation

ARAVALI has identified this as a new and important area of work. ARAVALI aims to work with partners towards raising sector standards thereby ensuring an effective and vibrant voluntary sector. ARAVALI is expanding its membership base and also linking up with existing networks to share the concerns of self-regulation and strengthening the governance and capacities of the voluntary sector. It also aims to promote the principle of transparency, efficiency and accountability and strives to promote them in civil society organizations.

Policy and Strategic Research

ARAVALI undertakes quality research studies and proactively identifies new relevant areas that require research for policy and practice interventions. Efforts are also made to take forward the outputs and make them available and actionable by different stakeholders. These research studies enable ARAVALI to provide services like providing information and knowledge base on key priority sectors, emerging development issues, inputs to policy dialogues and practices.
