Sector Building

Despite the sensitivity and the social entrepreneurial qualities that leaders of small NGOs have, there could be critical elements of capacities that may be missing in the organisational leader on many critical issues related to working with communities. Equally important is to build a second line strength in any organisation and thus consciously develop such leadership in any organisation. SAMDP enables ARAVALI to undertake a medium term training programme to cover all elements that are necessary for senior and middle level staff of smaller organisations. As the name suggests the training programme covers a range of societal analysis understanding, an understanding of self, communities, their mobilisation and also a strong focus on management of projects and programmes that any organisation must undertake. SAMDP is a 40 day training programme organised annually and hosted in a voluntary organisations. Trainers engaged for the programme are eminent professionals with long experience in development. Till date ARAVALI has organised 8 batches of SAMDP and trained more than 250 senior and middle level staff of NGOs. An evolution of the idea is to undertake a long distance learning programme on SAMDP. Ideas on this will evolve and will be developed further.
